Monday, April 27, 2020

Winlink Wednesday. Something a bit different

This Winlink Wednesday will be a little different and will probably stress out the infrastructure a bit, which is a good thing.  This week, we will have you take a picture of something spring like and send it in.  A picture you say?  Well, yes you can send pictures, although it will need to be resized a bit.  The Windows Winlink client can help you with this.  What you will do is fill out a Winlink Check-In form like you normally do and then attach a picture to that same message.  Watch this video on how to attach a picture and resize it properly.  Make sure your picture size is no larger then 50 kb if at all possible. (It took me about 8 min to send 50 kb at 1200 baud, 5 min at 9600 baud.)

You can view my test picture here:

I look forward to seeing all of your pictures!

As always, if you need more information regarding Winlink Wednesday, go here:


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