Wednesday, June 17, 2020

DStar Class Tonight at 6:30 PM

The class on DStar will be today, June 17th 2020.  Connection information is below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 5096 5944
Password: 679880

This is one of the modes that we will using during our August drill.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Upcoming August Drill

As announced on Thursday's NET, we will be holding a Valley wide drill on August 29th.  At the moment the final details regarding the drill are being worked out.  I can share with you a high level overview of what we will be doing.

Each city will be setting up a station.  The goal is to make contact with other city's using different modes and frequencies.  These modes will be phone, packet, Winlink, Dstar, DMR, Winmore, and VARA.  We will be utilizing both VHF, UHF, and HF frequencies.  We will try to contact as many cities using as many of the different modes as possible.

In order to be as successful as possible we have arranged to hold valley wide training's over the next couple of months.  The topics that we have currently scheduled are as follows.

June 17th - DMR
July 1st - Packet
July 8th - Winlink and HF Modes
July 15th - DMR

As additional information is received I will post it here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

UVARC Presentation "The Ham Police"

I received the following email from Noji Ratzlaff KNØJI

This Thursday, June 4 at 6:30 pm, you are invited to a special meeting of the Utah Valley Amateur Radio Club.  The topic this time is "The Ham Police," being presented by special guests Brett Sutherland (N7KG) and Riley  Hollingsworth (K4ZDH), former FCC Special Counsel for ARRL and the Amateur Auxiliary.

All ham radio clubs and organizations are hereby invited to join us in this historic meeting via live-stream on our YouTube channel. You'll be able to enter questions in the comments area on YouTube, and they'll be relayed to the presenters. The link to the YouTube channel is:

Or just do a search on YouTube for "utah valley amateur radio club" The live stream will automatically appear on the channel when it starts.

The ARRL had planned to present this topic at Dayton, to the masses, but as you know the Hamvention was canceled. So, when the ARRL caught wind that UVARC was planning to present this topic in a monthly club meeting, they asked whether they can invite all clubs in the Utah ARRL Section to the meeting, and we approved. Hence, the special arrangement. Hams all over Utah will be invited to our "club meeting" this Thursday, so they could hear first-hand about the new Amateur Auxiliary program, which supersedes the now-retired Official Observer program.

We only hope it's enough notice. If you could, please forward the above YouTube link to your members at your earliest convenience.

Hopefully this is of some interest to some of you.