Sunday, June 7, 2020

Upcoming August Drill

As announced on Thursday's NET, we will be holding a Valley wide drill on August 29th.  At the moment the final details regarding the drill are being worked out.  I can share with you a high level overview of what we will be doing.

Each city will be setting up a station.  The goal is to make contact with other city's using different modes and frequencies.  These modes will be phone, packet, Winlink, Dstar, DMR, Winmore, and VARA.  We will be utilizing both VHF, UHF, and HF frequencies.  We will try to contact as many cities using as many of the different modes as possible.

In order to be as successful as possible we have arranged to hold valley wide training's over the next couple of months.  The topics that we have currently scheduled are as follows.

June 17th - DMR
July 1st - Packet
July 8th - Winlink and HF Modes
July 15th - DMR

As additional information is received I will post it here.


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