Duties of each position can be found in the bylaws found here.
If you are interested in running for one of these positions or if you would like to nominate an individual for a position please send an email to info@wvcarc.com. If a member nominates someone
by email, it is that nominating member's duty to also copy that nominee in the email to the
the WVCARC and be aware of the responsibilities listed above in the by-laws for the respective officer position. There are no term limits for any offices. Anyone can
nominate themselves in addition to being nominated by a member of the WVCARC. Nominees
do not have to be present at the January meeting. The email option nominating window closes 24
hours before the January monthly face-to-face meeting which will be held January 12th. All nominees must accept their nomination before voting occurs.
Election results will be determined by the majority of votes cast. Voting may occur by ballot or
by a show of hands. Only members of the WVCARC may cast a vote and have to be present at
the January meeting. No proxy voting will be allowed.
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